Thursday, October 2, 2008

Very helpful perspective

I say very because it matches my thoughts pretty closely, is easy to follow and is written much better than I can write. Please read this post at Economist's View, linking to an article written by Harvard economist, Ken Rogoff if you are having trouble understanding why I am so opposed to this plan.

It is unlikely to actually solve the problem, and will result in a transfer of wealth to the very same people responsible for this mess.

As an aside, I'll be part of a panel discussion of this crisis at 6pm next Tuesday, Oct. 7 at the Savvy Gourmet (4519 Magazine St. - Upstairs, I think @ Vintage) for those that are local and interested. I have no idea who else will be there, but I think it will be slightly more "mainstream" than my recent appearance on "Our Story." Thanks also for those that have commented and/or sent emails.

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